How to move out of your parents’ house successfully and stress-free

Whether it’s for work, study, or love, there comes a time to move out of your parents’ house and begin your independent life.

No matter how excited you may be to start living on your own, however, you shouldn’t just rush into it – leaving the family nest is a huge step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You need to prepare well, so you can ensure a smooth relocation and a successful start to your new life.

First of all, you need to be able to afford to move out – in other words, you need to have enough money saved up to cover your moving costs and your housing costs and living expenses for the first several months after the move.

Next, you need to be ready to deal with the challenges of living on your own – taking responsibilities, doing chores, standing up for yourself, etc. You need to be mentally and emotionally strong enough to handle it all and overcome any difficulties that may come your way.

Last but not least, you need to know how to move out of your parents’ house cheaply and easily – and without any unnecessary stress.

Here are some expert tips for moving out of parents’ home to help you out:

When can you move out of your parents’ house?

When you find the courage to take responsibility for your own actions and face whatever life may throw at you, you can start thinking about leaving the family nest. (See also: Top 5 reasons why you should move out of your parents’ house)

Before making the big step, however, you need to have some financial security and a good plan.

Plan your finances

Your first step to moving out of your parents’ house should be to assess your financial situation:

Do you have a job?

If you’re already employed and the job seems promising, you have nothing to be afraid of – your financial future is as secure as it can be at the moment, so you can bravely strike out on your own.

If you don’t have a steady income yet, moving out of your parent’s house will be a much greater risk. Of course, you can always take your chances and pursue your happiness in another city or state where the job market is more favorable, but you must keep in mind that things may not work out and financial troubles may force you to move back with your parents in just a couple of months.

Related: How to move to a new city without a job

Do you have enough savings to cover your moving costs and post-relocation expenses?

Before you can move out of your parents’ home, you need to save enough money to cover your moving costs, a security deposit and a few months’ rent, and your living expenses for several months (including food, toiletries, medical care, utility bills, and transportation).

  • How much to save to move out of parents house? The exact amount of money you need to have saved up before the move depends on where you’re moving to (it’s cheaper to move locally than to move long distance, the cost of living and the property prices differ significantly in different areas, etc.) Still, you’re advised to have the equivalent of at least 3-6 months’ salaries in savings before you decide to move out of your parent’s house;
  • How to save to move out of your parents’ house? In order to grow your savings faster, you’re advised to put a part of your paycheck into your bank account every month, curb your spendings, and find ways to temporarily boost your income (take on a second job, sell your unneeded belongings, etc.) You can find more details on the topic here.

Once you’ve analyzed your financial situation, be sure to set up a moving budget and a personal budget for the immediate post-relocation period so you know what you can afford and can plan things accordingly.

See also: How to make a moving budget; How to budget for your first apartment

Plan your move

Having considered the financial aspect of moving out of parents’ house and living on your own, it’s time to focus on the logistics – finding a place to live, deciding which of your belongings you’re going to take with you and how you’re going to transport them to your new home, organizing the actual relocation, etc.

Having a detailed plan in place will help you organize your time and your finances, avoid unnecessary hassle and risks, and reduce stress, both for you and for your family.

See also: What to know when moving out for the first time

How to prepare to move out of your parents’ house

If you’re sure that you’re ready to leave the family nest, you can start preparing for moving out of your parents’ house:

  • Discuss your plans with your parents -Let mom and dad know that you intend to move out and share your plans with them. Even if they’re not supportive of your decision to move out, don’t get in conflict with them – remember that your parents love you, worry about you, and want what’s best for you. So, try to understand their feelings and convince them that you’ve thought things through, that you can take care of yourself, and that you’re ready to start your independent life. Let them know that you appreciate everything they’ve done for you, love them, and will still care for them no matter where you live. (See also: How to tell your parents you’re moving out);
  • Ask your parents for help and advice – Mom and dad will be able to give you a lot of useful advice about your move and your new life. They may also be able to help you find an appropriate place to rent, give you some household items to use in your new home, transport some of your belongings, etc.;
  • Find an appropriate new home – Look for a safe and easily affordable apartment, located close to your workplace (if you have already secured a job) and various local amenities. Consider renting a furnished place (so you don’t need to buy too many things at the beginning) and finding a roommate (so you can split the bills and lower your living expenses);
  • Decide what you’re going to take to your new home – Sort out your items and pack for moving only those of them that you really need and love (the fewer items you decide to bring along, the cheaper and easier your move is going to be). Make sure you have all the essential things you can’t do without when moving out on your own;
  • Organize a cheap and successful move – Consider the cheapest way to move out of your parents’ house – depending on the number and type of items you want to take to your new place, you may be able to move with your family car or a borrowed pickup truck or you may need to rent a moving van or to hire professional movers. Pick the best option for you and organize your move wisely – prepare well, secure reliable moving help, and be careful to avoid rookie moving mistakes.

Knowing how to move out of parents’ house smoothly and stress-free will help you begin your independent adult life in a positive way and lay the foundations of a successful future.

Bonus tip: Stay in touch with your parents after the move – When you move away from home, you will probably re-appreciate everything your parents did for you. And you will definitely miss mom and dad. So, be sure not to sever the connection with them – call them often, send them letters and e-mails, invite them to visit you in your new home, and visit them as often as you can.

Must-read: How to deal with moving away from home and family

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