Should I move closer to my family?

You never really know where life will take you, do you?  Even though the important decision you made back then at the crossroads seemed like the best one under the circumstances, the winding road after that life-changing choice proved to be much bumpier than you’d ever anticipated.

Yes, moving forward often seems to be the only way forward, but sometimes it’s all about making a step back to see the path before you clearer than ever.

We’ve already covered the very important topic of moving back in with parents and how that significant decision of yours can influence your foreseeable future. As an adult, making up your mind to return to the home where you grew up is never an easy thing to do and is often seen as a result of a rough period. But that moving-back-to-parents thing has modified house rules now, and you may not like the new way you’re supposed to play the game after all those years.

The good news?

There is another way, a better way to take advantage of both worlds and receive the help and support you so desperately need and still be of service to the people you love – deciding to move closer to family.

Reasons to move closer to family

The numerous reasons to move closer to family can help you make up your mind easier and leave no real room for regrets. Ultimately, each and every “I want to move closer to my family” decision is strictly individual and the cause for that life-changing move can range from suffering from frequent fits of nostalgia to finding yourself in great need of aid and support.

Despite the case-by-case nature of your desire to get much closer to the ones you care about, the major reasons for wanting to live closer to family can be summed up like this:

  • You miss your family. Nostalgic feelings often seem to show their heads above water when you least expect or want them. If you’ve moved house more than once, then you should know how hard it is to rearrange your life and get back to a familiar routine that will provide you with the comfort and peace of mind you seek and need. And each time you move away, friends, coworkers and neighbors are all gone in the blink of an eye. The only constant that remains for you is your family – siblings, parents, extended family members. And then, should you happen to be emotionally dependent on the dear persons who have always been there for you, the chances are that you will find moving back closer to family is the only way to fill up that nostalgic void inside you.
  • You need help raising a child. One of the greatest benefits of moving closer to family is the huge help you will get from your own parents if you are expecting a baby or if you already have a baby. During especially vulnerable moments like these, you may genuine feel like you can’t possibly handle it all by yourself. It’s no secret that the helping hands of the folks who’s been there and done that (Experience does matter, doesn’t it?) will prove more than valuable. If you move back to the town or city where your family members live, you will be able to rely on the assistance of your (future) child’s grandparents without forcing them to make certain sacrifices for you or having to inconvenience them in any way like you would if you were moving back in with your parents.
  • You need to clear up your head. Should you find yourself recuperating from a major setback in your life, like a bitter break-up or painful divorce, who’s going to give you solid advice and help you ease your pain better than your own mom, or dad, or siblings? Moving closer to a family can be a great decision in times of personal turmoil as it gives you the unique chance to visualize your future path while spending time with the persons you love and care about. It’s like getting a much needed time-out to catch your breath after a personal disaster and, practically, to rethink your next move.

SEE ALSO: Should I move to a small town?

Should I live closer to my family?

It’s only fair to say that your decision to move closer to family may not turn out to be the best solution for you. After all, life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows so there are (almost) always two sides of every move. Possible disadvantages of moving closer to your family may include:

  • the obligation to help family members and relatives whenever they ask for your help (you can’t possibly expect to receive and never give back anything in return, can you?);
  • having to face a stalemate situation in which the constant help you get from your family members will prevent you from finding a good way to help yourself, while the continuous assistance you offer to your loved ones may keep you from taking care of yourself;
  • having your husband or wife against the idea of moving closer to your parents, in which case you will have to invest a whole lot of energy to convince him or her that that is the best course of action for all of you;
  • the reminder that moving closer to your family is never a guarantee for getting closer to your family. In other words, if you don’t happen to have that special connection with your folks, and your brothers or sisters, then the geographical proximity won’t be enough for you to find what you’re looking for.

How to move closer to family

If troubled mind and emotional turmoil were the cause for your decision to move closer to your family, then the last thing you would feel like doing is to handle the endless tasks of moving house. Be aware that having to organize and even execute the inevitable relocation without professional assistance is a lot of hard work, so you’d be better off leaving that matter to experienced and reputable full-service movers. After all, they are called full service moving companies for a good reason – once they offer you a full service moving price and you accept it, they will, as expected, take care of every little detail for you.

Bonus advice: Should you choose to pack up your home by yourself, take advantage of the best packing tips you can ever find.

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