How to sage a new home after moving

Moving is a new beginning – a chance to leave everything you don’t like behind and build a better, fuller, and happier life for yourself. To be able to achieve that, though, you need to make sure that nothing negative weighs upon your new life – no bad memories, no bad habits, and no bad energies.

However, unless you’re moving into a newly built house or apartment, you can never be certain that your new home isn’t full of negative energy – some misfortune may have befallen the place, something bad may have occurred there in the past, etc.

The only way to ensure that your new home is free of negativity is to cleanse the space and invite positive energy in. And one of the best ways to do so is to sage the place.

Saging a home removes stagnant energies from the space and infuses it with positivity. It is an old tradition that has withstood the test of time and proven its practical and spiritual efficacy.

Read on to find out how to sage your new home and bring positivity to your new life.

What does burning sage do?

Burning sage – or smudging – is a purification ritual derived from Native American traditions. It is meant to clear out negative energy and promote healing and harmony.

Burning sage in a new home is believed to expel any bad vibes from the space and bring peace and happiness to the inhabitants. The smoke from the burning plant fills the space and cleanses the environment of stagnant energies, chasing away evil and clearing the slate for positivity to enter the home.

Aside from the spiritual benefits of saging, the ritual has a very practical (and scientifically proven) use as well – sage has highly purifying properties and can clear away many of the toxins commonly found in the home environment, including fumes from chemicals. The holy herb has proven antibacterial and antimicrobial properties – when burned, it releases negative ions in the air and reduces airborne bacteria by more than 90%.

So, smudging a space improves air quality, alleviating allergies and boosting the immune system. Research has shown that it also improves sleep and memory and provides relief from depression and anxiety.

Moving into a new home is the perfect time to burn sage in order to clear the previous owner’s energy, usher negative vibes out, purify the air, and set your wishes for the space. As the smoke rises, your intentions will go up with it, bestowing a blessing upon your new home.

Related: What to bring to a new home for good luck

What do you need for smudging?

If you’re considering cleansing your home with sage, you need to have the right supplies for the ritual:

  • Sage – White sage is the most popular herb for smudging. You can get loose dried sage leaves and sticks, a pre-wrapped bundle, or a smudge stick. The bundles usually include other plants commonly used for smudging in addition to the sage (such as juniper, cedar, lavender, sweetgrass, or orange peels), but you can find bundles with sage only;
  • Candle and matches – You’re going to need a flame to ignite the sage – and you may need to relight the smudge stick during the ceremony. So, make sure you have some matches (or a lighter) and a candle – use the matches to light the candle, then use the candle flame to ignite the sage. Keep the candle handy, so you can relight the sage throughout the smudging ceremony; 
  • A fireproof container – such as a small clay bowl or an abalone shell (traditionally used by the Indigenous people). If you’re using loose leaves and sticks, you’ll need the fire-resistant container to burn the sage in. If you’re using a smudge stick, you’ll need the container to catch the ashes;
  • A fanning tool (like a feather or a hand fan) – to fan and spread the smoke of the burning sage around the space;
  • A bowl of sand – to safely extinguish the sage after the ritual is complete.

Now that you know what you need for the cleansing ceremony, it’s time to find out how to perform it properly.  

How to properly sage a house?

So, how to cleanse a new home with sage?

The first step is to set your intentions – think about what exactly you want to banish from your new living space and what you wish for your new home. Then, decide on a mantra or prayer to say during the ceremony that resonates with you and encapsulates your intentions and wishes. It can be a Christian prayer, a Buddhist mantra, or something you come up with on your own.

Next, you need to open all windows and doors, so the negative energy has a way to get out of the home.

When ready, you can finally initiate the smudging ritual:

  1. Put the sage leaves and sticks in the fireproof container, ignite them, and let them burn for about 30 seconds, then gently blow out the flame – there will be red embers, creating smoke. If you’re using a smudge stick, grab it as far from the end you’re going to burn as possible, hold the stick at a 45-degree angle, light it, and let it burn for about 20 seconds. Then, blow the flame out, so you see orange embers on one end. Hold the fire-proof container underneath the smudge stick to catch any ashes or embers;
  2. Starting from the front door, begin walking slowly throughout your home with the smoking sage, allowing the smoke to waft around. Give special attention to corners (where energy tends to accumulate) and mirrors (as they hold the energy of all their reflections), as well as to high-traffic areas (since they are at the center of everything that happens in the house). Focus on the living spaces, especially the bedrooms, because that’s where you and your family members are most venerable. Make sure closet and cupboard doors are open to release any negative vibes and allow the smoke to drift everywhere, including into hidden spaces;
  3. As you smudge the space, keep your intentions in mind and repeat your mantra. Guide the smoke toward the open windows, so it can leave the house and carry all negative energy away;
  4. Keep an eye out for fallen ashes and if you notice any, put them out immediately. Be careful not to inhale too much smoke;
  5. Once you’ve walked all around the place, say your mantra out loud one last time and visualize your home full of bright light and happiness;
  6. When you’re finished, extinguish the sage to close the smudging ceremony. Use dirt or sand to extinguish the hot embers, not water (moisture will make it harder to light the sage the next time). To extinguish a sage smudge stick, press the burning tip firmly into the fireproof container – or into sand – until smoke no longer rises.

Now that you know how to sage a new home, you will be able to purify your new space and infuse it with your own positive thoughts and feelings. The ritual will leave you with a tangible sense of purity and optimism and your new life will start with positivity and hope. May it be filled with happiness and success!

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