How to make moving day less stressful?

There is a good reason why moving day ranks among the most stressful days in life – it is strenuous and unnerving, full of risks and uncertainties, emotionally draining and mentally taxing… The number of things that can go wrong on this single day is so large that even thinking about it is enough to make your stomach churn and your heart race in anxiety.

It’s no wonder then that a stress-free moving day sounds like a pipe dream – impossible to achieve no matter how carefully you plan your move. But even if you cannot make your moving day completely stress free, you can at least considerably reduce the strain during the most critical 24 hours of your relocation endeavor. All you need to do is put into practice some efficient tricks that will allow you to keep stress at bay on moving day.

Prepare well

There are no guarantees that things will go according to plan, of course, but the better prepared you are, the fewer problems are likely to occur. So, make sure all important details have been taken care of by the time the Big day knocks on your door:

  • Secure the services of a trustworthy moving company to avoid common moving day problems (movers arriving late or not showing up at all, causing damage to your items or to your old home out of negligence or lack of experience, overcharging you for alleged extra services or unforeseen difficulties, etc.);
  • Pare down your possessions to make your relocation cheaper and easier (the fewer items you have for moving, the less time, effort, and money it will cost you to relocate them);
  • Create a moving inventory to be able to keep better track of your possessions;
  • Take plenty of pictures to have proof of the condition of your items before the move, as well as visual aids that will help you reassemble furniture, reconnect electronics and recreate your interior décor (if you wish so);
  • Clean and organize your belongings so that they are ready for shipment;
  • Prepack small items to speed things up when the movers arrive;
  • Label the boxes with all the necessary information and important handling instructions so that the movers know what to do with each individual container;
  • Get proper moving insurance to ensure your peace of mind;
  • Lock your valuables, important documents, survival box, and other things you want to take with you in a separate room to be sure that these items won’t be accidentally loaded on the moving truck;
  • Secure personal data to prevent identity theft;
  • Take efficient measures to prevent property damage;
  • Reserve a convenient parking place for the moving truck in front of the entrance to your home and an elevator (if relevant) so that no time is wasted in vain when the movers arrive;
  • Clear obstacles from the movers’ path, both outside and inside your home, so that the movers can maneuver your items into the moving truck quickly and safely.

SEE ALSO: What to do before the movers arrive

Prevent possible stress situations

It is the need to complete so much work in so little time and the risks to your possessions and to your loved ones that cause most of the stress on moving day. To reduce the stress, you need to reduce the risks and find practical solutions to all the challenges that may present themselves on the Big day.

1) Proper packing and professional moving help will guarantee the best possible protection to your belongings during transit and the good condition of your old property after the move.

2) Your next step is to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the moving process:

  • Make every effort to prevent accidents and injuries during your relocation endeavor;
  • Hire a sitter to look after your little kids and/or pets on moving day;
  • Mind the weather – wear comfortable, lightweight clothes that will keep you warm enough or cool enough (according to the climatic conditions at the time of your move), stay hydrated (don’t forget to offer refreshing/hot drinks to your movers too), keep your kids and pets inside if it’s cold or rainy, etc.

SEE ALSO: How to move in the rain; How to move in the winter; How will bad weather affect your move

3) Finally, you need to make sure that you’ll be able to deal with any unexpected difficulties or changing circumstances at the time of your move:

  • Get a good night’s rest to have the energy and focus required to deal with the strenuous day ahead of you and wake up early in the morning to have enough time for some last minute preparations;
  • Have all the essential things you may need on moving day handy (not packed away in sealed moving boxes), so that you have easy access to any documents, tools, packing supplies, safety materials, cleaning equipment and other items that will help you take care of the last remaining moving tasks and deal with unanticipated events on the Big day. Also, make sure you keep your survival box with you so that you can ensure yours and your family’s comfort and well-being on the arduous moving day (you’re going to need toiletries, medicines, essential electronics, games, specialized kids’ items and pets’ items, etc.);
  • Have some cash on you for small expenses on moving day (to buy snacks and drinks, pay parking fees, tip your movers, etc.)

Chase anxiety away

In order to have a smooth, efficient, and stress-free moving day, you need to set the right mood:

  • Keep your calm, no matter what. Losing your nerves and getting hysterical will do you no good, even if you have every reason to push the panic button. You need a cool head in order to be able to make good decisions and come up with efficient solutions to the problems at hand;
  • Be flexible. Nothing is set in stone, especially when it comes to moving. Allow for changes in your plans and be open to alternative solutions if some unexpected changes or difficulties occur during the relocation process;
  • Do not rush things. Avoid hectic schedules and hasty actions as they will have the opposite of the intended effect – rashness will result in chaos and confusion, slowing down your move and causing unnecessary hassle and troubles on moving day;
  • Focus on the positive. The more you ponder on the hardships and drawbacks of moving house, the more upset and downhearted you will become. Try to think of your move as a thrilling adventure that will take you to a new, happier chapter of your life. Focus on the endless opportunities that your relocation will provide you with and rejoice over the things that are going great on moving day – don’t waste time and nerves in useless regrets and worries about what could have been better;
  • Keep your sense of humor. There is nothing like a joke or a funny remark to ease the tension and reduce the stress on moving day.

Last but not least – triple-check everything to make sure you haven’t forgotten, missed, or overlooked anything.

So, as you see moving day stress can be successfully dealt with in three simple steps. Make sure you take them when getting ready for the Big day.

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