Self Moving Tips for Do-It-Yourself Moves

If you’ve carefully weighed your options and have made the bold decision to move on your own, then you should know that it’ll be entirely up to you, and your friends, to pull it through. There are many things to be taken care of before you can call your self-moving adventure a success, such as quality packing supplies, moving equipment, renting a truck, moving labor, etc.
This special selection of DIY moving tips will help you take some of the enormous pressure off your shoulders and streamline the whole self-move at the same time.

How to move a very heavy piece of furniture

Moving poses all kinds of challenges – emotional, physical, financial, organizational, etc. The physical hardships of a house move may be the most mundane of them all, but they’re definitely not to be underestimated – most moving tasks involve a lot of physical effort and hard work. It’s draining, exhausting, and difficult. And it can

How to pack a violin for moving

If you own a violin, then you know perfectly well just how valuable that musical instrument is. So, when the time comes to move house, it’s only normal that you should get worried about the safety of your prized possession. Violins are very delicate musical instruments and even the slightest misstep when packing a violin

How to make moving more bearable

It’s no secret that moving house is notorious for being both stressful and expensive. In fact, the house moving process can easily prove to be overwhelming for people who don’t have any previous relocation experience. Under specific circumstances, a house move may even become unbearable in terms of difficulty. With so many things to do

How to pack glass shelves for moving

When you get to the point of packing up some of your large furniture pieces with glass shelves in them – china cabinets, bookcases, display cases, desks, kitchen cupboards, bathroom cabinets, etc., then one important question is how to protect the super-fragile glass objects so that they don’t break during the chaotic house move. Such